Is there a way to cross bracket same teammates once the tournament has started. I found the tab to make sure that they are not on the same side initially, but how to you cross bracket them if they are in the consolation bracket?
The pairings after round 1 are fixed (cannot be changed). I interpret your question to be about how to avoid matches with contestants from the same team after round 1. The answer depends on how many wrestlers from the same team compete in the bracket and the bracket size.
The setting you noticed ("Same team contestants:" drop down list under "File"/"Ladder Misc. preferences...") helps for this. If there are at most 2 wrestlers from the same team in each bracket, set this to "Are not allowed to be in the same half of the ladder". If there are more wrestlers from the same team in each bracket, set this to "Are not allowed to be in the same quarter of the ladder".
When the program places unseeded wrestlers into the brackets, it will adhere to this setting. Wrestlers from the same team will avoid each other until the structure demands they compete.
Thank you - that is what I thought. I was hoping to avoid having teammates wrestle until the placing rounds, but it doesn't look like the system will allow that.
As I see it, there's only one way to prevent same team wrestlers from competing against each other until the placing matches: allow exchanging wrestlers between matches in the consolation rounds. If this is an important feature, please describe how you expect that to work in the "Suggest enhancements" section of our forum. We use that to prioritize and schedule updates to the program.
- Thanks.