Is there a way to make the 2 man brackets into a best out of three round robin.
Many of our wrestling parents ask for the second/third match and we always have to run them as exhibitions.
Please let me know if thesis an easy adjustment.
We have received another request for this feature. The desired behavior is always have the wrestlers compete twice. If each wrestler wins once, run a third match as a tie breaker.
Would like to know if this an option that is being explored.
While not a part of the upcoming release (version 7.0.0), we have tentatively scheduled this feature for the next feature release (e.g. 7.1.0). It would be a check box on the window that appears when you use the "File"/"Ladder/Misc. preferences..." menu. When checked, all brackets that have 2 wrestlers would be best 2 out of 3.
Since we are busy working on version 7.0.0, I cannot estimate when the subsequent version will be available
This feature is under development. It will be part of version 7.1.0 which will be released this fall.
TournamentSR v7.1.0 (released today) supports best 2 out of 3 via the "File"/"Ladder/Misc. preferences..." menu. Check the box titled "Use best 2 out of 3 for two contestant brackets".